I am a Ph.D. student of Doctoral Program in Informatics Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto and a researcher at SONAE IM@Labs. My Ph.D. research revolves around deep learning architectures for sequence learning, forecasting more particularly. Currently, I am studying the learning behavior in gated architectures (such as: LSTM) on different forecasting scenarios. I like to build new assumptions from these architectures. Recently, I have been developing a new LSTM architecture which tackles training data problems during the learning processes.

I am also a research assistant at LIAAD / INESC Tec. My work strongly focuses on integrating predictive analytics solutions to intelligent systems. I love bringing research into real world practices.

I am bi-lingual, I enjoy working with both R and Python.


  • Machine Learning and Data Science
  • Sequential Data Modeling
  • Data generation and reconstruction
  • Utility-based Predictive Analytics
  • Transfer Learning


  • PhD in Computer Science, (2019 - ongoing)

    University of Porto